Milk has various nutritional ingredients to support one's development. However, in consuming dairy products, people need to be careful, especially if they talk thick and sweet. Benefits of Sweetened Condensed Milk.
Researchers from the Public Health Observer Foundation (YPKP) Dr. drg. Amaliya said, specifically regarding balanced nutritional intake, he explained, milk has various nutritional contents, including protein, fat, and vitamins which are needed to support one's development in every stage of life from children to adults.
He appealed to the public as consumers to be more intelligent and responsive to the nutritional literacy contained in every food, including processed products consumed by reading labels and finding correct information from experts.
This is in line with the Regulation of the Head of the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) Number 31 of 2018 concerning the Processed Food Label which was just released last October. The regulation strengthens BPOM Regulation Number 21 of 2016 concerning Food Category which explains the content of various food products, including milk.
"I don't think people need to hesitate anymore about the content of milk, including sweetened condensation. "There are various rules that have confirmed that processed food products, including sweetened condensed, are safe to consume while still paying attention to the labels on each product package," Amaliya explained.
Amaliya added, the health development of the Indonesian people is still a big challenge. Malnutrition and an increase in the trend of non-communicable diseases deserve serious attention.
"These health problems are mainly due to lifestyle such as lack of physical activity, poor sanitation, and unbalanced nutritional intake. All these factors must be considered and resolved comprehensively," he said.
Compared to 2013, data from the 2018 Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) noted that Indonesians applying sedentary lifestyles (sedentari) rose from 26.1% to 33.5%. While the problem of malnutrition due to malnutrition began to experience improvements. The proportion of stunting (dwarf) status decreased from 37.2% to 30.8%. Likewise the proportion of malnutrition and malnutrition status decreased from 19.6% to 17.7%.
"People need to be aware of how important it is to pay attention to lifestyle and balanced nutritional content in every intake that enters the body. To fulfill community nutrition, milk and processed products are one of the sources of nutrition that have an important role, "Amaliya said in 2018 Community Gathering with the theme of Sweetened Condensed Milk as One of the Balanced Nutrition Sources of Indonesian Society recently in South Tengerang.
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